Are your legacy systems holding you back?
Company Focus

Many government organisations rely on heritage or mature applications built on outdated technology and subjected to inadequate maintenance.  It is common to hear people say “the system is going in three years,” only for it to still be in place 15 years later and playing a vital role in operations.

As a result, mature systems are typically starved of necessary investment, often running on obsolete versions, which pose significant risks to performance and security. In addition, the costs associated with vendor maintenance can sky-rocket while the availability of qualified people to manage and maintain ageing systems continues to decline. Creating a perfect storm of instability and lack of resources.  

Managing the Perfect Storm
At Diegesis, we believe the solution lies in transitioning mature or legacy systems to a supported environment.  Any change other than the direct retirement of an unsupported platform is a courageous decision.  Therefore, moving to a supported environment and taking advantage of the latest technology makes the decision easier.

What to Sweat, Migrate, or Retire?
A cost-benefit analysis is essential to determine which assets to “sweat,” modernise, or retire. Legacy systems can contain immense value, so rather than immediately replacing them, it is critical to assess the real risks and costs involved in replacement or migration.
Consider the difference between systems of record and systems of engagement:

  • Systems of Record: These include back-office applications (like accounting, HR, or sales) that manage stable, consistent processes. Often, they require minimal upgrades to maintain functionality.
  • Systems of Engagement: Public-facing systems, like customer service platforms, need to be responsive and user-friendly. These may require more significant upgrades or replacement to meet modern standards.

Before “ripping and replacing” it is important to consider the true risks and costs of replacing or migrating systems that are not really broken. Business cases for this are often complex, and maybe driven by vendor behaviour including rising support and maintenance costs. Ideally, decisions would be based solely on the merits of service improvement and enhancement. However, the levels of risk and cost, of any escape route, need to be balanced against the business case. Diegesis is well placed to assist with this balancing act.  

Understanding the Risks 
With 30+ years of hands-on experience in legacy technologies and extensive project history Diegesis can offer invaluable insights into real-world scenarios helping you plan effectively, avoid common pitfalls, and mitigate project risks.  We draw on our experience to advise on best practice from other organisations, enabling you to make informed decisions that support both immediate needs and long-term objectives.  

If staff retention is a concern, our approach of using AI to facilitate migrations can engage and retain existing staff interest.  However, if in-house legacy technology skills are scarce the Diegesis team is here to augment resources. Maximise our expertise in upgrades, migrations, and digital transformation to optimise your mature systems and bring them into the modern era.  

For more information visit Diegesis call +44 (0)20 8286 7587 or email