North Herts Council is seeking out local businesses to take part in a pilot solar panel project.
The project is part of a commitment to be a net zero district by 2040 and is partly funded by the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
It would see solar panels be installed on business premises for free, with planned results of cheaper, cleaner electricity, saving businesses money and reducing carbon emissions.
If solar panels are installed, businesses would pay a significantly discounted rate for electricity, compared to what they would usually pay for a unit of electricity.
Cllr Mick Debenham, executive member for environment, said: “We have written to a number of premises in local industrial estates in the district, but if we haven’t contacted you, please do get in touch if this is something you want to explore.
“Businesses can play an important role in tackling climate change, so we want to help find solutions to reducing their carbon emissions – while also reducing their electricity bills, so taking part in the scheme is a win-win!”