Leaders in Every Channel of Communications
Company Focus

An unrivalled leader in communications, CFH already partner with Council Departments across the UK to deliver postal and digital communications that make a real difference.

We understand the challenges public sector organisations face; you are under constant pressure to deliver more whilst reducing spend. Using one channel for communicating with your residents isn’t necessarily enough these days, you need to deliver your critical messages through the right channels at the right time to achieve the best outcome.

At CFH we have developed and deliver perfect solutions for your sector. Across print & post, hybrid mail and digital delivery our easy-to-use solutions have been created to deliver better outcomes for you and your residents.

All of our customer’s data remains secure on our own premises, all within the UK, at all times within our own infrastructure. We never share data with third parties inside or outside of the UK for any reason. Our solutions are GDPR compliant, and ISO 9001, ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certified.

From large format print, braille, coloured paper to audio recordings and accessible portals, our modern solutions ensure that every resident is communicated with in the best possible way to meet their needs and preferences. As approved suppliers on local government frameworks including G-cloud and Crown Commercial Services, partnering with us gives you the confidence that your communications are being delivered the right way.

More than just a communication partner, here at CFH we’re environmental champions at every stage. We’re working towards Net Zero by 2050, by offsetting our carbon footprint from operation processes to employee initiatives. We have also held our ISO 4001 Environmental Management certification, with an integrated Environmental Management System since 2010, which forms the essential foundation to our long-standing commitment to eco-friendly operations.

In 2024, we worked with over 60 councils across the United Kingdom – over 40% of all councils. By delivering a truly multi-channel service for these clients, their effective targeted communications ensured a more focused spend, delivering only communications that drive results.
