Energy & Data Security Infrastructure News
Company Focus

The efficiency of solid oxide fuel cells, a type of hydrogen fuel cells that converts hydrogen into electricity,  can be improved from 60% to100% by recovering the heat they release. Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) operate at 850°C, while a series of endothermic chemical reactions can generate hydrogen out of water at lower temperatures. 

Heat pumps that consume part of the electrical energy generated by the fuel cell  are used to cool and liquefy the water released at 850°C while providing energy to one of the endothermic reactions. 

Other heat pumps can also be used to provide more energy from the ambient heat to the endothermic reactions temperatures ; raising the temperature from 20°C to 120°C, for example, costs about 54% of the heat released absorbed by the endothermic reactions , while 100% of the pumped heat can be converted to electricity.

On data security, innovations have come up under the brand Carrousel Digital and are aimed at being licensed out. Interested parties should contact us. They are trying to address the problem aroused by quantum computers and large super-computers that are threatening existing digital security infrastructure. The weakness of data security infrastructure come from the fact that computer facilities could break the encryption keys used in our IT systems, from communication to websites to login procedures.

Our two main schemes allow, for one secure signatures, for the other one secure data transport. Those schemes are mad available through licensing.

The safe signatures scheme shall embed a random number in the e-document to be certified, allowing for its signature with a one-time keys i.e. a secret used only once and that cannot be recomputed.
The safe data transmission scheme uses entangled photons pairs to transport the information, coding many bits on each photon and making sure the photons have not been copied or hijacked during transportation.

We have created two proof of concept apps, one transmitting images secured by our quantum safe signature, and one for transferring prepaid cash from app to app, using NFC. The app is securing the transactions  by our  quantum safe signature scheme and is implementing an offline payment scheme described in our patent called : Method and system for performing a secure data exchange. These two apps have been realised for android.
